The Bristlebacked Bunglesnug Trading Card

The Bristlebacked Bunglesnug

The Bristlebacked Bunglesnug’s tufts were once used to make brushes for shoe polish, and this adorable creature was almost hunted to extinction because of it. Thankfully Queen Victoria made a patriotic appeal to save the Bunglesnug, and Britons began polishing their shoes with little fluffy kittens. Live of course, and reusable. (London’s dingy gray exteriors were once incorrectly blamed on soot from coal fires, but now we know that a least 80% of the patina of the Victorian era came from all the cats rubbing on everything and spreading shoe polish all over the place.) Continue reading “The Bristlebacked Bunglesnug Trading Card”

The Hollodius Vermunkle Trading Card

The Hollodius Vermunkle

The Hollodius Vermunkle is a flatulentophilic worm filled with imaginary wisdom and the need to educate people about how insensitive they are. The Vermukle is highly judgmental and must explain how any passing reference to race or ethnicity is condescending and malicious. Specimens have been known to rupture themselves if restrained from delivering their monologues of wisdom, particularly if the reference to race or ethnicity was humorous in nature. Continue reading “The Hollodius Vermunkle Trading Card”

The Skratcheldy Skrizdizard Trading Card

The Skratcheldy Skrizdizard

The Skratcheldy Skrizdizard is sometimes called the razor toe or the ouch lizard or the oh-god-it-jumps-lookout. Herpetologists claim that it is impossible to handle the Skrizdizard without pricking your fingers multiple times and recommend wearing steel-mesh cutting gloves such as used by butchers.

Every year, hundreds of men (and even a few women, sad to say) try to hold a Skrizdizard for a full two minutes without getting punctured as part of The Macho Dumb Ass of The Year competition. The TMDAY (pronounced “Tam Day”) competition has been held in the town of Dead Neighbor, Texas every year since 1897, but so far the herpetologists’ claim stands, and every contestant has walked away with bleeding hands and a splitting headache. Continue reading “The Skratcheldy Skrizdizard Trading Card”

The Dramaticated Monabeech Trading Card

The Dramaticated Monabeech

The Dramaticated Monabeech has the least responsibility of any member of its extended family, workplace, or social group and thus is free to spend most of its time stirring up problems and creating conflicts. The Monabeech is always repeating negative things about someone and is usually doing so to get back at them. This creature treasures slights and injuries as if they were gold and goes on endless monologues of self-pity and accusation. Overly emotional and mentally unstable, the Monabeech is nevertheless a master of guilt and manipulation and can cry on command. Continue reading “The Dramaticated Monabeech Trading Card”

The Stinkled Blinkblatter Trading Card

The Stinkled Blinkblatter

Originally thought to be a relative of the armadillo, The Stinkled Blinkblatter is in fact living proof that the kangaroo can successfully copulate with a turtle. The creature runs low to the ground like an overgrown iguana, but it is capable of leaping surprisingly high, up to 1 meter off the ground. The Blinkblatter uses its hooked nose or “stinkle” to jump up and hook onto people’s pants and pull them down. Scientists don’t know why the creature does this, but that is why you see so many drunken Australians walking about with their pants down around their ankles in places like Bali. Continue reading “The Stinkled Blinkblatter Trading Card”

The Yankled Kundermumpf Trading Card

The Yankled Kundermumpf

The Yankled Kundermumpf is an imp with the butt of a chicken that dark lord Satan uses to get skaters to try stunts they shouldn’t. If some kid’s teeth go flying across the concrete, or if their crotch lands on a metal railing so violently that a testicle ruptures, you can be sure that the Yankled Kundermumpf has whispered something stupid into someone’s ear not too long before. Continue reading “The Yankled Kundermumpf Trading Card”

The Prickeldy Yonderkwott Trading Card

The Prickeldy Yonderkwott

The Prickeldy Yonderkwott is a levitating EnviroPred™ released by the Tyrell Corporation for control of the common housefly. The Yonderkwott resembles a small pink testicle about the size of a grape, and it zips about eating flies almost as big as its head. The Yonderquott has to eat constantly for the same reason the hummingbird does: it takes a lot of calories to hover and dart about so rapidly.

A full 8% of the Yonderkwott’s DNA is of Martian origin, and that accounts for the creature’s powers of levitation and for its prickeldy spines. The creature’s Chinese Pug DNA accounts for the drool and the wrinkles. And the snorts and the snoring and the slobbery sneezes. Continue reading “The Prickeldy Yonderkwott Trading Card”

The Fusilated Sphinctnozzle Trading Card

The Fusilated Sphinctnozzle

The Fusilated Sphinctnozzle originated in southern China, where it is known as the Dukay Dragon, but by 900 BC, Phoenician and Greek merchants had inadvertently spread the creature throughout the Mediterranean basin, the larval form travelling inside citrus fruit and pomegranates. Continue reading “The Fusilated Sphinctnozzle Trading Card”

The Rippercated Crocosnoot Trading Card

The Rippercated Crocosnoot

The Rippercated Crocosnoot uses its psyonic abilities to make its owner think it is a fluffy cat or lap dog that anyone would love to pet, but it does not have sufficient power to convince visitors, dates, or small children, who can all clearly see that the thing is just itching to bite and scratch them.

Actually, the Rippercated Crocosnoot enjoys being petted and held and having its belly rubbed, but it also enjoys biting the crap out of people for no reason once it has had enough love. The Crocosnoot likes to latch on with its teeth and kick with its back feet, as if hoping to rip off a chunk of your meat one way or the other. Continue reading “The Rippercated Crocosnoot Trading Card”

The Bajinkled Tindersnort Trading Card

The Bajinkled Tindersnort

According to American humorist Mark Twain, the Bajinkled Tindersnort is nature’s answer to the age-old question: “What if a plucked owl had sex with an alley cat inside a shop vac?”

The Tindersnort’s tube-like lips are capable of creating a strong suction, which it uses to vacuum up its prey (teddy bear hamsters and other cute small furry things that make you hate the Tindersnort). Continue reading “The Bajinkled Tindersnort Trading Card”