The Man That Owed The Money music video

The Man That Owed The Money music video

The Man That Owed The Money music video based on repeating GIF recorded by Jethro Sleestak on September 30, 2019.


The man that owed the money to the Russian mob
is gonna get her emails and save America.

And Bob Barr’s gonna help him cause Bob Barr’s the President’s man,
the President elected by less than half the land.

Mitch McConnell is a traiter, for Putin he has lied
and sold the Constitution to the other side.

And Rudy Giuliana will take the witness stand
and swear his allegiance to the Russian land.

Pumpin’ the Chumps for Trump Music Video

Pumpin’ The Chumps For Trump music video

Pumpin’ The Chumps For Trump

Tucker Carlson strokes the cancerous growth that is eating the heart of American democracy. Conspiracy theory masquerading as news. The largest media corporation in the world manufacturing hate and fear for profit. An all-out assault on reason, civility, and decency.

Recorded by Jethro Sleestak at Yalobusha Farms on September 27, 2019

Buffoon in Chief music video

Buffoon in Chief Music Video

Buffoon in Chief

Music video for Trump Buffoon in Chief by award-winning artist Jethro Sleestak. Recorded September 7, 2019.


American genius playboy,
showin’ what wealth can do.
Daddy left me half a New York.
There’s no one I can’t screw.

Always been on your tv,
so you know that I am wise.
Wouldn’t let your kid act this way,
but for me the trash will rise.

I’m the bigshot bossman,
all the douchebags want to be.
Couldn’t tell the truth to save my life,
but there’s nothin they won’t believe.

As long as I “own the libtards”
and am cool with the KKK,
I can say a buncha bullshit,
and they’ll swallow it all the way.

Buffoon in Chief Meme

Buffoon in Chief Animated GIF
Buffoon in Chief Animated GIF

Lyin for America Music Video

Lyin’ for America

Sean Hannity is a stream of lies, distortion, and fraud.

There is no conspiracy theory Trump could suggest that Hannity wouldn’t help sell, no matter how absurd.

There is no statement or behavior Hannity wouldn’t defend, and he is constantly trying to normalize behavior that would have gotten Obama impeached and even imprisoned.

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Make The Weatherman Lie Music Video

Make The Weatherman Lie

The most stable genius ever to hold the presidency is all powerful. He can make weathermen and other government employees lie. Else he will tell them, “You’re fired!”™

Recorded by Jethro Sleestak on September 12, 2019.


I’m very smart
I’m the king of the world.

I can make
the weatherman lie.

The Amazon is a Burnin Music Video

The Amazon Is A Burnin

The Amazon Is A Burnin Remix Music Video. Recorded by artist Jethro Sleestak on August 25, 2019.

This repeating GIF music video is about mad king Nero fiddling while Rome burns, the mad megalomaniac and the rabid worldview of the mob that put him there.

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Liar Huckabee

Post-Factual Mob-Rule America music video

Can you believe that you pay taxes to pay this person to lie to you?

Here’s the list of skills list I think should be on Sarah Huckabee Sanders ‘s resume:

Professional liar towing the party line at all times. Night is day and day is night, etc. No lie too brazen. Will say anything for the rich and powerful.

Here is my summary of her statements as a civil servant:

There isn’t any fire.
The press is lying.
The Democrats hate America.
That is the real problem.
Get back to work you.

The Popsquinted Maloptachunk Trading Card

The Popsquinted Maloptachunk

The Popsquinted Maloptachunk were a type of monkey raised for the royal courts of central Europe during the late middle ages. These monkeys were used by an officer of the court whose title was Der Popsquinted Maloptachunk (PM Rex), who carried the monkey with him everywhere on a golden leash. The office of PM Rex consolidated two previous offices: the Court Jester and the King’s Speaker.

When the PM Rex addressed the people in the name of the king, his Popsquinted Maloptachunk monkey would scream hysterically and throw feces at the crowds if they questioned any point, no matter how brazen the lie.

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New and Improved Mormonism

“Pray for Bigfoot. Don’t let him explode like Jesus.”

That’s the central belief of New and Improved Mormonism.

You have to understand that New and Improved Mormons (NIMs) are just like other Christians in that they believe in Jesus Christ as the divine son of God and the savior of all mankind and that he was resurrected and all that.

The difference is that NIMs also believe that the sins of the world became so great that Jesus exploded from the overload, and Bigfoot had to take over. They call that tragic event the Divine Sasquatchination and believe that it happened around the time of Donald Trump’s third medical deferment from military service during the Viet Nam war.

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