Bugly Bear Perplexed Animated GIF

Bugly Bear Perplexed Animated GIF

Bugly Bear Perplexed

Bugly Bear is perplexed.

Is Ted Cruz the Antichrist or just the creepiest politician ever shat by Satan? Could the man be any less sincere?

Why does a man with a Cuban father and a Princeton education sound like a deep-fried televangelist every time he speaks? How much time and effort did he spend trying to sound like that?

Could Ted Cruz’s voice sound any more phony if instead of doing the televangelist shtick, he went around doing a bad impersonation of an Italian accent?

Da solution to alla da problems is to shova da religion into da politics ever chance-a we-a getta. I wisha dat alla da peoples in da USA wassa as-a dumma as-a da religious dumbassas inna Texasa. Denna I coulda be-a da Presidenta.