Meme: Trump Won’t Condemn Conspiracy Nuts and Racists Because He Knows Who His Supporters Are. Which Are You?
Month: October 2020
Meme: The Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Revealed
The Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Revealed: There Are Jackasses Too Stupid To See That It Is Russian Disinformation.
Meme: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Found In Al Capone’s Vault
Meme: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Found In Al Capone’s Vault
With Hillary’s Emails And Corpse Believed To Be Amelia Earhart.
Meme Dog Ate Tucker Carlson’s Conspiracy Theory
Meme Dog Ate Tucker Carlson’s Conspiracy Theory
Meme Donald Trump Dies For Your Sins
Donald Trump Dies For Your Sins But Promises to Rise Three Days Later Like Superman.
Look at me! Look at me! I’m the healthiest President ever! A hell of lot healthier than your dead-ass grandmother!
The Spirit of the Lord does not dwell in the presence of braggarts but departs forthwith.
Music Video: Don’t Worry Bout The Covid
Don’t worry bout the Covid,
You don’t mean nuthin to me.
Because I am the President,
I get it all for free.
Meme Why QAnon Is So Damn Cool
Meme Why QAnon & WWG1WAG Are So Damn Cool
- sounds deep and cryptic.
- implicit threat of mob violence.
- vague enough for your choice of interpretation.
- cool tat designs for clueless people looking for instant identity.
- large cult following of true believers.
- currently worships Trump.
- will announce new savior after Trump.
- ready and waiting for use as terror network.

Meme Pelosi Leads Bigfoot UFO Attack
Pelosi Leads Bigfoot UFO Attack to destroy Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s emails, and secret QAnon datacenters.
That was the cover of the New Pork Tost that explained it all to me.
Before that was their cover with the headline, “Donald Trump Dies For Your Sins But Promises to Rise Three Days Later Like Superman.”
Meme Foundation Myth of Fox News
Once upon a time, there was the most evil America-hating socialist pedophile, and her name was Hillary Clinton.
The Foundation Myth of Fox News.
You might not be deplorable, but you definitely believe some lunatic shit.
Meme Sean Hannity Flying Monkeys
For decades, nonstop on Fox News: Hillary Clinton & Democrats guilty of every possible crime and treason.
Any nonsense repeated often enough on Fox News is indistinguishable from truth for most of the public.
You might be aware enough to laugh at the QAnon nonsense, but are you so sure that you don’t believe some piece of misinformation as equally absurd?
Fact Check: Satan’s Emissary Hates Pence
Fact Check: Not Even Satan’s Emissary Varlax the Impure Can Stand Mike Pence.
Consider this quote from Varlax’s most recent appearance on Fox and Friends:
“I mean, hear me out. I’ve had to listen to Stalin, Hitler, and more psycho serial killers than I can shake a stick at, but this guy is too much. All that phony godliness, and he’ll still tell any lie they give him, doesn’t matter how bald face it is. Say fucking anything. Makes me wanna puke.”
Varlax the Impure, Satanic Emissary to the Trump Campaign