Meme Why QAnon Is So Damn Cool

Meme Why QAnon & WWG1WAG Are So Damn Cool

  • sounds deep and cryptic.
  • implicit threat of mob violence.
  • vague enough for your choice of interpretation.
  • cool tat designs for clueless people looking for instant identity.
  • large cult following of true believers.
  • currently worships Trump.
  • will announce new savior after Trump.
  • ready and waiting for use as terror network.
Meme Why QAnon & WWG1WAG Are So Damn Cool
Meme Why QAnon & WWG1WAG Are So Damn Cool

Meme Pelosi Leads Bigfoot UFO Attack

Pelosi Leads Bigfoot UFO Attack to destroy Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s emails, and secret QAnon datacenters.

That was the cover of the New Pork Tost that explained it all to me.

Before that was their cover with the headline, “Donald Trump Dies For Your Sins But Promises to Rise Three Days Later Like Superman.”