“I cannot fully express how offensive I find the comparisons between Marjorie Taylor Green and Klingon culture.”
Lieutenant Worf
USS Enterprise
NCC -1701
alternative comics and memes by Jethro Sleestak
“I cannot fully express how offensive I find the comparisons between Marjorie Taylor Green and Klingon culture.”
Lieutenant Worf
USS Enterprise
NCC -1701
“You know, only Jesus has suffered more for America. And not by much.”
I’ve always thought of him as Santa’s evil twin.
Your second-class status brought to you by the Republican Party.
Do your own research!
I sent my neighbor a postcard. He has a lot of Trump flags.
New and Improved! Now with even less intelligence and class.
Just think about how much joy these people bring to the workplace.
“Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.” -Joseph Heller, Catch 22