Godawful Goat Animated GIF

Godawful Goat

Godawful Goat says to pay attention and learn something. He says he can’t teach you everything. (He’s a little full of himself.)

Godawful wrote a poem called Dunfrump’s Wall

Dunfrump’s Wall


Dunfrump has dreams

of Guilded-Age schemes.

A bypassable wall.

might not protect us at all,

but thinka the pork barrel, boys.


Dunfrump Animated GIF


A man worth less than what he inherited is running for president based on his accomplishments as a businessman.

His accomplishments are multiple bankruptcies and a string of failed businesses, but on his reality television shows, he was the big successful businessman, and so that is what the idiots believe him to be.

This man does not think before he speaks because he has never really had to. He is a vulgar boastful man. He sells ignorance and bigotry and fear.




Dead Rat On A Stick Animated GIF

Dead Rat On A Stick

Dead Rat On A Stick! I have finally come up with a sports cheer that expresses all the enthusiasm I have for the business of pro sports teams. My favorite part is the bit about the hundred-million-dollar stadiums paid for by ordinary taxpayers. You would think the billionaire owners would pay for them seeing how their franchises earn them that kind of money each year.