Lyin for America Music Video

Lyin’ for America

Sean Hannity is a stream of lies, distortion, and fraud.

There is no conspiracy theory Trump could suggest that Hannity wouldn’t help sell, no matter how absurd.

There is no statement or behavior Hannity wouldn’t defend, and he is constantly trying to normalize behavior that would have gotten Obama impeached and even imprisoned.

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Make The Weatherman Lie Music Video

Make The Weatherman Lie

The most stable genius ever to hold the presidency is all powerful. He can make weathermen and other government employees lie. Else he will tell them, “You’re fired!”™

Recorded by Jethro Sleestak on September 12, 2019.


I’m very smart
I’m the king of the world.

I can make
the weatherman lie.

The Amazon is a Burnin Music Video

The Amazon Is A Burnin

The Amazon Is A Burnin Remix Music Video. Recorded by artist Jethro Sleestak on August 25, 2019.

This repeating GIF music video is about mad king Nero fiddling while Rome burns, the mad megalomaniac and the rabid worldview of the mob that put him there.

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